Beauty Defined

 So what is the definition of beauty?

The quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind, whether arising from sensory manifestations (as shape, color, sound, etc.), a meaningful design or pattern, or something else (as a personality in which high spiritual qualities are manifest). So the old saying "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" is actually true. Beauty is in your mind, it's not a standard mold that you have to fit into, or a bar you have to reach.

Every person has a standard in his or her mind on what beauty is, so why are we striving so hard to meet some general thought of beauty? Well because society wants us that way . The skinnier you are the "hotter" you are. Why has society set the bar at skinny? In my opinion healthy people who are filled out with muscles and yes, some fat, look better. Women with curves, men with broad shoulders, kids who fill out their clothes; that is true beauty.

Women are typically more stressed about this topic than men, so I will talk to women for a moment. Who determines if you are beautiful? Men, friends, or society; none of them should. The true judge of your beauty should be you. If you feel beautiful, then it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks or says. When you feel beauty on the inside believe me it shows on the outside. For example you see two men on the street, similar body type, dressed in similar clothing. One man is rude and looks depressed wearing a scowl. The other man is wearing a smile, looking happy and confident. Which man is better looking? My guess is the smiling, confident happy-go-lucky man is more attractive.

Beauty is only what you make it. Each man has the potential to be attractive, but the lack of confidence in the first man makes him less attractive. No matter what race, weight, or social class you fit into beauty is dependent on how you feel about yourself.

Now to address the men. Be confident, that is the most attractive quality in a man. No woman wants a man who doubts himself or puts himself down. We want a strong, confident and proud man. So regardless what size pants you wear, how tall you are, or where you store some extra pounds it doesn't matter when you are confident in yourself.

I am not saying that there still won't be people who judge you, because there will be. All I am saying is that you will not care what they say when you believe that you are beautiful. Wake up every morning and tell yourself you look good. Have confidence in who you are on the inside as well as on the outside. You are beautiful no matter what society tells you beautiful is. Keep that in your heart and mind and you will be alright.


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